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Scaricabili tutte le presentazioni relative alle conferenze che si sono tenute presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria nell’ambito del Progetto Life WOLFALPS
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Book Review: Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research
Here what Damiano (Preatoni) thinks of the recent book on camera trapping by Francesco Rovero and Fridolin Zimmermann
Short Description
The book everyone working with camera traps should have. A detailed and complete “hands-on” approach on camera trapping, with applied examples on almost every aspect of using camera traps, from planning (camera choice, deployment, etc.) to data colleciton and analysis. Strong of several decades of photographic trapping experience, the Authors offer to the reader their first-hand experience.
If you want to find out more you can have a look Hystrix website or at Pelagic Publishing
Master: management and conservation of environment and fauna
During this week UAGRA is hosting the Master in Management and Conservation of Environment and Fauna, both lectures and fieldwork.
Next week UAGRA staff will be with master’s students at Adamello-Brenta Nature Park
New publication on forest ecology!
Current and future conifer seed production in the Alps: testing weather factors as cues behind masting
Forest resilience to climate change?
Temporal patterns of masting in conifer species are intriguing phenomena that have cascading effects on different trophic levels in ecosystems. Many studies suggest that meteorological cues (changes in temperature and precipitation) affect variation in seed-crop size over years. We monitored cone crops of six conifer species in the Italian Alps (1999–2013) and analysed which seasonal weather factors affected annual variation in cone production at forest community level. Larch, Norway spruce and silver fir showed masting while temporal patterns in Pinus sp. were less pronounced. We found limited support for the temperature difference model proposed by Kelly et al. Both seasonal (mainly spring and summer) temperatures and precipitations of 1 and 2 years prior to seed maturation affected cone-crop size, with no significant effect of previous year’s cone crop. Next, we estimated future forest cone production until 2100, applying climate projection (using RCP 8.5 scenario) to the weather model that best predicted variation in measured cone crops. We found no evidence of long-term changes in average cone production over the twenty-first century, despite increase in average temperature and decrease in precipitation. The amplitude of predicted annual fluctuations in cone production varies over time, depending on study area. The opposite signs of temperature effects 1 and 2 years prior to seed set show that temperature differences are indeed a relevant cue. Hence, predicted patterns of masting followed by 1 or more years of poor-medium cone production suggest a high degree of resilience of alpine conifer forests under global warming scenario.
Find out more here Bisi et al. 2016
Biodiversity conservation and management of alien species
Saturday May 28, UAGRA staff at the Ticino Regional Park (Lombardy, North Italy) for a training on biodiversity conservation and management of alien species. More informations here

X Italian Mammalogy Congress 2016
UAGRA team will be present at the X National Mammalogy Congress with oral comunications and posters.
We will talk about invasive species, influence of climate change on forest ecosystem, parasites, bats and even more.
Integrative taxonomy and bioinvasions: a useful approach to identify and manage new sciurids in Europe. Mazzamuto M. V., Galimberti A., Cremonesi G., Pisanu B., Chapuis J-L., Stuyck J., Amori G., Su H-J., Aloise G., Preatoni D. G., Wauters L. A., Casiraghi M., Martinoli A.
Ecology, management and impacts of the invasive Pallas’s Squirrel in Italy. Mazzamuto M.V., Morandini M., Panzeri M., Preatoni D., Wauters L., Martinoli A.
Understanding invaders: how an easy evaluation of fecundity and body condition may help management. Romeo C., Santicchia F., Fesce E., Mazzamuto M.V., Vezzoso S., Grilli G., Martinoli A., Wauters L.A., Ferrari N.
Measurement of faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in Eurasian Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris): effects of captivity, sex, reproductive condition, and season. Santicchia F., Dantzer B., Colombo G., Van Kesteren F., Palme R., Martinoli A., Wauters L.A.
Personality in Eurasian Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris): does it pay to be bold? Wauters L.A., Santicchia F., Molinari A., Preatoni D.G., Martinoli A., Matthysen E.
Forest ecosystem: does climate play a key role in producer-consumer dynamics? Wild boar and broadleaved forest in the italian Apennine. Chirichella R., Bisi F., Chianucci F., Cutini A., Preatoni D.G., Apollonio M., Martinoli A.
Multidisciplinary approach in monitoring Geoffroy’s Bat (Myotis emarginatus) in an agriculture-dominated landscape (river Ticino valley). M. Spada, S. Bologna, L. Bruhat, A. L. Heinzl, M. Piccioli, A. Molinari, R. Bettinetti, E. Boggio, A. Martinoli, D. Preatoni
Bat nursery dynamics in the alps: how can microclimate affect bats conservation? M. Spada, S. Bologna, A. Molinari, S. Mazzaracca, A. Pobbiati, D. Preatoni, A. Martinoli