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Natural and Environmental Sciences National Conference 2017

Natural and Environmental Sciences National Conference 2017 published on

The role of Natural and Environmental Sciences in Natural Resources management,  according to sustainable and responsible development models.

The Conference is promoted by the National Coordination of Natural and Environmental Science Courses Presidents (CONAMBI), recently created to promote professional skills and reaffirm the cultural importance of the training courses in the L32 (Science and Technologies for Environment and Nature), LM60 (Nature Sciences) and LM75 (Science and Technology for Land and Environment).

Il ruolo delle Scienze Naturali e Ambientali nella gestione delle Risorse Naturali, secondo un modello di sviluppo sostenibile e responsabile.

La Conferenza è promossa dal Coordinamento Nazionale dei Presidenti dei Corsi di Studio in Scienze Naturali ed Ambientali (CONAMBI), recentemente ricostituitosi per promuovere le competenze professionali e riaffermare l’importanza culturale dei percorsi formativi dei Corsi di Studio delle Classi di Laurea L32 (Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente e la Natura) e di laurea magistrale LM60 (Scienze della Natura) e LM75 (Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente e il Territorio).
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X Italian Mammalogy Congress 2016

X Italian Mammalogy Congress 2016 published on

UAGRA team will be present at the X National Mammalogy Congress with oral comunications and posters.
We will talk about invasive species, influence of climate change on forest ecosystem, parasites, bats and even more.

Integrative taxonomy and bioinvasions: a useful approach to identify and manage new sciurids in Europe. Mazzamuto M. V., Galimberti A., Cremonesi G., Pisanu B., Chapuis J-L., Stuyck J., Amori G., Su H-J., Aloise G., Preatoni D. G., Wauters L. A., Casiraghi M., Martinoli A.
Ecology, management and impacts of the invasive Pallas’s Squirrel in Italy. Mazzamuto M.V., Morandini M., Panzeri M., Preatoni D., Wauters L., Martinoli A.
Understanding invaders: how an easy evaluation of fecundity and body condition may help management. Romeo C., Santicchia F., Fesce E., Mazzamuto M.V., Vezzoso S., Grilli G., Martinoli A., Wauters L.A., Ferrari N.
Measurement of faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in Eurasian Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris): effects of captivity, sex, reproductive condition, and season. Santicchia F., Dantzer B., Colombo G., Van Kesteren F., Palme R., Martinoli A., Wauters L.A.
Personality in Eurasian Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris): does it pay to be bold? Wauters L.A., Santicchia F., Molinari A., Preatoni D.G., Martinoli A., Matthysen E.
Forest ecosystem: does climate play a key role in producer-consumer dynamics? Wild boar and broadleaved forest in the italian Apennine. Chirichella R., Bisi F., Chianucci F., Cutini A., Preatoni D.G., Apollonio M., Martinoli A.

Multidisciplinary approach in monitoring Geoffroy’s Bat (Myotis emarginatus) in an agriculture-dominated landscape (river Ticino valley). M. Spada, S. Bologna, L. Bruhat, A. L. Heinzl, M. Piccioli, A. Molinari, R. Bettinetti, E. Boggio, A. Martinoli, D. Preatoni
Bat nursery dynamics in the alps: how can microclimate affect bats conservation? M. Spada, S. Bologna, A. Molinari, S. Mazzaracca, A. Pobbiati, D. Preatoni, A. Martinoli

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