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Welcome to the Environment Analysis and Management Unit – Guido Tosi Research Group  web site.

The Environment Analysis and Management Unit (Unità di Analisi e Gestione delle Risorse Ambientali, UAGRA), is a research unit of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences at the University of Insubria in Varese, Italy.
Our research activities are focused on biodiversity conservation, wildlife management and sustainable use of natural resources in a changing world threatened by climate change, habitat loss and alien species. We collaborate and support government agencies, non-government organizations and general public to  sustainably develop and protect lands, as well as their resident species, on local, national, and international landscapes. Our goal is to increase the knowledge on animal biology, behaviour and ecology, at the individual, population and ecosystem level, to improve and promote the natural world conservation.

The Unit is dedicated in fond memory to our former Coordinator, Guido Tosi (1949-2011).


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